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Lesson a Day for Israel


Speech is one of the biggest defining features between man and animal.  The Jewish people have been given over a very great power – the power to bless. Using our speech correctly is crucial.

Our sages teach us that learning the laws of guarding one’s mouth from speaking forbidden speech (Shmiras Halashon) can save one from many great tragedies and can inspire divine help in our lives.

Join our initiative to learn one lesson each day on the Laws of Speech, and direct the merit of this Torah study to help protect our young men and women of the IDF as they battle against evil to save our brethren in Israel.

Signing-up is free and you can pick up your book from Rabbi Elie.  In addition, you can join the Lesson A Day WhatsApp chat where Rabbi Elie will put out daily inspiring thought.

Due to the limited number of books available, please only register one book per family.


Scan the image below with the camera on your phone to join the Lesson-A-Day WhatsApp Chat.


Alternately, click the button below to join:




Please complete the form below to join the initiative.



Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784