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01/02/2020 03:35:24 PM


Rabbi Elie Karfunkel


Nachas “Nachas” is word that is very hard to define. In some respects, it means the pride that you get from the accomplishments of others. When most people refer to nachas they refer to a “parents’” nachas over their kids. A son or a daughter becoming a Doctor or Lawyer will likely fill the parents with nachas. However, I think we can all agree that the best nachas is when one sees their children embracing the right set of values. When a parent sees an adult child making tough choices, going against the grain, and connecting to Yiddishkeit, that’s (as we say) the “besta nachas”. May we always be in pray mode for our children, and may we, in the due course of time, receive all the nachas that we yearn for. Good Shabbos, Stay Jewish, Live Jewish, Almost Summer...

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784